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There are 10 photo albums.
Circuit Mission Supper 2020 (1 photos)
On 29th February Trinity once again hosted the annual Circuit Mission Supper. With almost prescient timing, given the onset of Covid-19 only a few weeks later, our guest speaker was Sam Monaghan, Chief Executive of (MHA) Methodist Homes. We heard at first hand of the on-going crisis affecting adult social care, something which was worsened significantly by subsequent events.
Half Term Holiday Club (3 photos)
We held a very successful holiday club over the October Half Term 2019. Some more information about it has been posted on the Special Events drop-down of our What's On page.
Neighbourhood Party (2 photos)
Here are some photographs taken at our most recent Neighbourhood Party held on 13th October 2019. More information about these events can be found on the Neighbourhood Party tab on the Outreach page.
Plant Sale 2019 (1 photos)
This year's plant sale in support of Christian Aid was held on 12th May. It raised over £350.00.
Trinity, Summer 2019 (1 photos)
The front garden is looking good! A reward for skilful design and hard work by our willing volunteers
Circuit Mission Supper 2019 (2 photos)
On 23rd February 2019 Trinity hosted the Wey Valley Methodist Circuit's annual mission supper. We welcomed Rev Mike Long, a former minister of our church and now the minister at Notting Hill, a church close to and in the front line for responding to the Grenfell Tower disaster. About 160 people attended and heard a very informative and moving account.
The Garden Team (5 photos)
In 2011 a group of volunteers got together to restore and maintain the gardens at the church. Every Saturday morning the group still meets and we are grateful to them and proud of their work
Advent Pots (2 photos)
It has become a familiar feature at Trinity through Advent that every day a pot appears that tells part of the Advent story, culminating in the crib in a stable and a special arrival on Christmas Day. Thanks to Jill Willis and the Garden Team we are able to provide this inspiring witness to passers by.
The full story is told on our Christmas 2019 page (What's On). -
Las Posadas (1 photos)
Mary and Joseph travelled from home to home through Advent in a tradition from Mexico that recalls their search for a safe refuge for the birth of Jesus
Gospel Sunday (3 photos)
On 23rd December 2018 our Chinese congregation hosted their friends from Epsom who performed a Christmas Cantata - The Silence and the Sound